Thursday, October 1, 2009



Success is the result of taking action on our most important goals. It is simply the realization and obtainment of worthy ideal result that your heart is deeply connected to. It is also becoming what God created you to be.It is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. It is the good fortune that comes from Aspiration, Desperation, Perspiration and Inspiration
To work is to exert oneself by carrying out a physical or mental activity for a purpose or out of necessity.
There are two kinds of work.
These are MENTAL OR CREATIVE work and PHYSICAL work.
There are also three kinds of working people.
These are: those who think but do not act, those who act without thinking and those who both think and as well act.
Thinking is the ability to coordinate thoughts productively in order to produce a positive result. You must be able to sit down and think if you want to escape failure.
Your thoughts must also work in tandem with what you want to achieve. You must be able to synchronize your thoughts if you want to be successful in life.
There is no way you can be doing the same thing with the same strategy and you will get a different result. As a student, you sat for jamb but got a score that is not commensurate with the course you want to study. Instead of you to blame any body as others do, sit down and think , restrategise after finding out why you could not make it , retake the examination after all these for you will definitely get a different but better result.
Also, a business man who feel that his business is not moving as he expected , should sit down and think , find out why it is not moving ,restrategise after wards for he will definitely get a different but better result. A low income earner staff in an organization can still earn high income if he or she can think. It might entail enrolling for adult school programme and subsequently, work and study programme in order for him or her to get a higher certificate which will catapult him or her to the next level of his or her life.
You are a product of what you think.
Our actions are true manifestation of our thoughts. When you fail to think and restrategise, you will keep on getting the same result. A negative thought produces failure but a positive thought produces success.
Every stage in human life is an event and every event is a product of thought and every thought is a product of intuition. Your position today is a result of your yesterday’s thoughts and your position tomorrow will be a product of your today’s thoughts. When you fail to think, you will be ready to accept any form of result that comes your way, especially failure.
More so, creative work is the highest form of work. It is the work last resort.
When other forms of work fails, creative work can still guarantee success. Many people have failed because they were not creative. Many businesses have collapsed because those who were in charge failed to be creative. They failed to restrategise and do it in a different way even when they observed that their business was nearing collapse. Many successful people are now failures simply because they failed to acknowledge the fact that success if not consolidated through creativity gives rise to failure.
For instance, in 2004, Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo, the Former Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) governor, wanted to make the Nigeria’s banking sector to be stronger than it was. He embarked on creativity. He found out the Nigerian banks which were about 85 in number were not as strong as their counter parts in developed countries, so he embarked on a policy called ‘consolidation of the banking sector’. He stated that every bank in Nigeria must have a minimum capital base of twenty five billion naira. Some of the banks were able to get the twenty five billion naira capital base on their own, some of them entered into merger. But those Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of some of the banks who saw the policy as a means of witch-hunting them could not raise the twenty five billion naira capital base. This led to their failure. Now in Nigeria, we have about 24 banks. Those banks that consolidated are referred to as (successful banks),
while those that failed to consolidate are referred to as (failed banks).

As I had earlier said, our actions are true manifestation of our thoughts. Work attracts success to us. Physical work can be divided to two. These are: hard work and tireless work.
Many people are yet to succeed in life because they have refused to work. Opportunities dress in overalls but present itself in the form of work. It is not enough to think, you have to put your thoughts to test through work as a thought cannot produce a meaningful result unless it is activated through work. It is not enough to conceive ideas. You have to release those ideas through work in order for others to benefit from it. That small idea of yours may be a solution to the myriad of problems and difficulties that your family, neighbor, friend, the state and country in general is undergoing. The grave yard is full of men and women who could not put their thoughts to test through work. In fact the grave yard is the largest reservoir of thoughts. A hypothesis can only become a law when it is proved through work in the form of experiment.
Most of our failures are as a result of our inability to act on our thoughts. A thought if not put to test though work will die inside you. You must make it a point of duty to work harder if you want to succeed. Hard work does not kill but has a reward which is success.
Success is a journey and not a destination as any small success achieved prepares you for a greater success. If you fail to work harder, regardless of the kind of success recorded, you are bound to fail. Many rich people have died as pauper simply because; they relaxed when they achieved success. It is not success that brings happiness but happiness brings success. when someone is happy with he or she is doing, he will definitely succeed in it.
Failure often comes when work was not done with every form of commitment that it needs. You need to put in all your efforts in order for you to succeed as any reserved effort can attract failure.
‘The pride of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand and determination, that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand’. Sam Twing
More so, tireless work can bring success. You don’t have to accept defeat even when it comes your way. You don’t have to give up trying if you want to succeed. Some people have failed because they refused to recognize how near they were to their success. Some people have failed simply because, they gave up trying. That something is difficult does not mean that it is impossible. That you didn’t achieve something today does mean that you won’t achieve it for ‘success is never fatal. Failure is never fatal. Courage is what counts. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in day out’. Robert Collier. So don’t give up for your success is around the corner. Your tomorrow is better than your today, for after rain comes sunshine. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The whole world is waiting for your manifestation. Cheer up for weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning. Those who asked who are will soon turn to ask how are you. Cheer up for you cup of success is about to overflow. When you resign to fate, you will definitely get failure. When you accept that you are weak, you won’t be strong. When you say I can no longer make it, you will definitely not make it. When you say, it is no longer possible; it will definitely not be possible.
‘Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self confident and more and more successful’. Mark Victor Hansen.
We often consider why we may not succeed more than why we will succeed. This often prevents us from trying forgetting that is better to try and fail than not to try at all. We often say, what if ‘I fail more than what if I succeed’ there by paralyzing our ability to act on our thoughts.
Being tired of facing your problems, hard times, tough times, difficulties, trials and temptations will definitely lead to your failure. Remember that ‘success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.’ Orison Swett Marden. You have to keep on keeping on even when it seems that your chance of success is remote. You don’t have succumbed to pressures because they will lead to your failures, for tough times don’t last but tough people do.

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